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The Noble family homestead (A Simpler Past Homestead) is located at the end of the Newaukum Valley near Chehalis Washington. A homestead is more than a farm or a home; it is a passion to build with one’s own hands the lifestyle of a vision and through it a better world. We honor the old fashion quality of a time before overbearing industry with their chemicals and industrial machines, when every market garden was intimately known by the farmer, and every tool expertly crafted by its maker.
We work with family and friends passionately growing food from, nutrition giving mineral rich biologically active soil, and creating things to endure. On our homestead we look for inspiration from the past that we may use to redesign the future. As well we pull from the many theories and practices, such as permaculture. On our farm we do not till so we can protect the soil food web allowing nature to do her job. Our plow shall be the moles and the worms and the critters in the soil. Without the need for tilling a tractor becomes unnecessary, and weed pressure reduced. Instead we use knowledge learned in the past to find the most efficient methods to farm without power equipment. In this changing world with energy uncertainty and rising ecological costs that energy comes with, we choose to use technologies from a time before energy abundance, along with efficient design to reduce our dependence on costly energy. This also gives us a more intimate knowledge of the products we produce for our customers.
Our Vision
Our homestead is open for visitors and fresh pick
By Appointment 425-753-3284