High summer is here and the garden is wonderful and growing abundantly but fortunately the deer and rabbits are here to keep it from growing out of control, or rather to keep it from growing at all! It has given me a different perspective of Mr. MacGregor and Peter Rabbit, and what or rather whom should go into pie. It …
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Tags: a simplerpast homestead, Chehalis Farm, Farm to table, homestead, kitchen, Lewis County farm, market garden, non GMO, non GMO produces, nourishing farm, nourishing garden, organic, organic duck egg, organic egg, Organic produces, organic vegetable, permaculture, product, recipe, self pick, simplerpast farm, sustainable farm, U pick farm, Washington Farm, Weston A price, wholesome food, Winlock Farmer Market, you pick
Winter is gone and already it feels as if the warmth of summer is upon us. As though nature had no time for spring and hastily decided to get right to it. On the homestead things have kept in tune to the seasons with so much happening to get ready for our first full summer that everything seems to have …
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Tags: a simplerpast homestead, Chehalis Farm, Farm to table, homestead, kitchen, Lewis County farm, market garden, non GMO, non GMO produces, nourishing farm, nourishing garden, organic, organic duck egg, organic egg, Organic produces, organic vegetable, permaculture, product, recipe, self pick, simplerpast farm, sustainable farm, U pick farm, Washington Farm, Weston A price, wholesome food, Winlock Farmer Market, you pick
Garlic scapes, are a yummy victim of our industrial food system needlessly forgotten it seems from the American veggie repertoire. First what is a garlic scape? Simply it is the flower stalk of any hardneck garlic variety. It shoots up before the garlic is ready to be harvested in late spring and is usually cut to keep the plants energy …
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